Family Law Solutions For Your Future

Be Prepared With Documentation To Discuss

Depending upon the issues which need to be decided in your case, the documents below may need to be provided to your lawyer. It is a good idea to get copies of these before the divorce starts, especially if you feel your spouse may try to conceal information or will not cooperate in providing these items. If you are able to provide these to your attorney, you may avoid the additional attorney fees which may be incurred as the attorney tries to get these through formal discovery processes. Provide the attorney with copies and hold on to the originals.

These are the most frequently requested documents in divorce cases; you may need to provide additional documents depending upon your particular circumstances.

Real Estate

  • Deed or land contract
  • Recent tax statement showing State Equalized Value
  • Any recent appraisals that have been done on the property
  • Recent mortgage and home equity loan statements showing the current balance
  • Documentation of source of the down payment if nonmarital funds were used to buy the property


  • Most recent wage stub showing present and year-to-date income for both you and your spouse
  • Last year’s tax returns; or, if income goes up and down, last three years tax returns
  • If your present income is less than last year or the year-to-date figure would suggest (i.e., overtime is no longer available, one-time bonus, etc.), a statement from your employer verifying that your income is less than it was previously
  • Documentation of the amount of any child care expense

Medical Insurance

  • Health insurance card for coverage for minor children or spouse
  • Employer statement showing the cost to carry children vs. employee vs. employee

Get A Consultation About Divorce Documents

You don’t have to worry about legal documents. Let Quist Law Firm, PLLC handle it. Schedule a free initial consultation at our office location in Grand Rapids. To get your free divorce consultation, call 616-454-9008 or send us an email.