What are some impacts of parental alienation on children?

It is not unusual to have a troubled relationship with an ex-spouse following a divorce. Still, you want to cooperate as best you can with your co-parent to raise your children going forward. Unfortunately, sometimes one parent may feel such anger towards the other that the agitated parent alienates the child from the other parent.…

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Estate considerations following a divorce

One’s divorce in Michigan should certainly force them to review a number of different aspects of their life. Yet in all of the emotion that accompanies the dissolution of a marriage, one’s estate plans may be the furthest thing from their minds. That is if one has any estate plans at all (indeed, according to information shared…

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Dividing jointly owned property between same-sex spouses

As of June 26, 2015, Michigan’s laws have recognized same-sex marriages. Some couples, however, may have begun their relationships before the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court ruling. If two individuals obtained assets together before their marriage, however, a divorce may affect their rights to property division. As noted by Deeds.com, two unmarried individuals, for example,…

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3 FAQs about modifying child support after divorce

If you are a divorced parent, you know that life changes quickly. Your original child support agreement may have worked well in the beginning. However, your child’s needs, and your own ability to meet them, are likely to change as they grow and you continue to navigate life’s daily challenges. Whether you find yourself unable…

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Collaborative divorce may bring privacy and better outcomes

A collaborative marriage dissolution typically begins with two spouses agreeing to negotiate a settlement on their own with the aid of their attorneys. As noted by Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, by conducting the negotiation process out of court, divorcing couples may keep their personal and financial matters private. A traditional divorce generally requires disclosing income and assets…

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5 essential elements of an estate plan

Estate planning looks different for each individual and may be straightforward or sophisticated, depending on the size of your estate and the complexity of your final wishes.  In the absence of an estate plan, your family may become responsible for decisions they should not have to make. It is better to make your wishes known.  1.…

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Taking a look at statistics on child custody and support

If you are working through the process of getting a divorce and you have kids, it is vital to think about custody and support. Whether you seek full custody or intend to share custody with your ex, child custody arrangements could have a significant impact on your child’s life and your relationship with them. Moreover,…

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